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Broadway Community Little League

Broadway Community Little League

StrikeZone Rules and Regulations

Updated 12.15.2019

  1. Individuals using the facility are responsible for assisting with trash pickup when they are in the facility.

  2. Return all equipment (tees, L screens, pitching mounds) to the original location.

  3.  Key holders are not permitted to allow other individuals to enter the facility under their key usage.

  4. Players must wear helmets at all times while using the batting cages.  No swinging bats outside the designated hitting areas.  

  5. No alcohol, tobacco, or  permitted.

  6. No sunflower seeds.

  7. Little League team practices have first priority for use of the Strike Zone. 

  8. All applicable Little League Rules shall apply to the Strike Zone.

  9. The facility may only be used by the little league program for northern Rockingham County area and other activities approved in conjunction with the Broadway Community Little League Board of Directors.

  10. Adults may not use the facility for recreational use.  An adult is defined as any individual that is not little league age, a member of the Broadway High School softball/baseball team, or a northern Rockingham County area player on an NCAA collegiate team.

  11. Individuals may not use the Strike Zone for personal profit, employ someone to provide lessons in the Strike Zone.

  12. A first aid kit is located behind the counter.  If you use supplies, please let the Strike Zone Manager know so that the kit may be replenished.  All injuries must be reported to the Safety Officer.

  13. During team use, each team is assigned one (1) hitting cage, one (1) throwing lane and one (1) tee cage to use.

  14. The Strike Zone will be closed during BCLL registration and evaluation dates. 

The Strike Zone is a privilege and can be revoked at any time without reimbursement.  Failure to comply with the Rules & Regulations may result in your key privileges being revoked by the Broadway Community Little League.  Please report any abuse of the Strike Zone immediately to the Strike Zone Manager as posted at the counter. The Broadway Community Little League Board of Directors reserves the right to update and make changes to the Rules and Regulations at any time.

*Any individual intentionally misusing or vandalizing the facility will  be served a NO TRESPASSING notice.


Broadway Community Little League
PO Box 63 
Broadway, Virginia 22815

Email: [email protected]

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